Great Yarmouth and Waveney Special Olympians

Achieving through disability  



Raising funds for GYWSO is an essential part of being an athlete, parent or carer.

What your money pays for

Athlete Registration - this pays for the insurance of the athletes and coaches/teachers, which is £880, the journals and the embroidered badges.

Postal swim - sponsorship money contributes to the pool hire costs which is currently £8800. This means the swimming subs are kept at a reduced price.

Land training - the money raised from tombolas, bag packing and events during the summer pays for the cost of hiring the sports hall for 10 sessions during the holidays = £1280. The instructors give their time for free. By fundraising land training is free for all athletes.

End of Year Presentation - once land training has been paid for, the money raised will go towards the end of year presentation party. The more fundraising the better the party!


Please note:-

All athletes, parents and carers are obliged to participate in two fundraising events. These will be signed off by a member of the Executive Committee in your journal. It is a condition of being an athlete and for those who do not not fulfil their committments, the end of year presentation will be charged and GYWSO have the right to refuse registration to that athlete the following year.